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A Note from Rabbi Treu

More than any other time of year, the fall is the fullest on the Jewish calendar. This is our time for a new beginning, a chance for each of us to become our best selves, to repair relationships and to mend the world by mending ourselves first and working out from there. 

To read the rest of Rabbi Treu’s note, click below.

Time to Get Ready: A Learning Circle for the High Holy Days and the New Year, with Rabbi Treu

Running Wednesdays through Sep 25. Presidential elections. War roiling in Israel and Gaza. An aching anniversary on Simchat Torah. Luckily, we have the Hebrew month of Elul — a period of spiritual self-reflection as we prepare for the High Holy Days. This year, let’s take some time to do a little learning. This four-part series with Rabbi Treu will take us on the journey from Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur, Sukkot and into the question of how we prioritize our time in the new year. Come to all four or to what you can.


Saturday, September 28
Community Slichot Service
7:30 pm schmooze with light nosh / 8-9:30 pm service
JCC MetroWest, 760 Northfield Ave, West Orange

The tradition of the gathering the Saturday night before Rosh Hashanah for song, community and prayers goes back many centuries. As we close a difficult year, we come together with our area friends and neighbors to turn to with hope to a new year together.

Rosh Hashanah

Wednesday, October 2
Rosh Hashanah in the Park
5-5:30 pm arrival; 5:30-6:30 pm service

Memorial Park, Maplewood
Rain location:  Oheb Shalom
Bring your own chair or blanket.

8:15 pm: Rosh Hashanah Evening Service (Ma’ariv)
Schechner Chapel, in person and via our Livestream page

Thursday, October 3 and Friday, October 4
Rosh Hashanah Morning Services
9 am-1:15 pm, in person and via our Livestream page
Approximate times for morning services are below. Begin with the end in mind: we blow the shofar at the end of the service, so if you’re coming for just an hour, come for the last hour. Help build the energy by beginning with the end in mind, deciding how long you want to be there, and working backwards from there!

9 am: Shaharit (Morning Service)
10 am: Torah service 
11 am: Shofar, conclusion of Torah service, and sermon
11:45 am: Musaf (Post-Torah Festival) service

10 am-1:30 pm: Children’s services, babysitting and programming

Thursday, October 3
1:30 pm: Tashlich
Symbolically cast your sins away by throwing crumbs or pebbles into a river. Following services, meet at the Duck Pond in Flood Hill. This service will be lay-led.

(Please note: there will be no Friday night kabbalat shabbat service on October 4.)

Saturday, October 5
9:45 am-noon: Shabbat Shuvah
In person and via our Livestream page
Services for the shabbat between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, known as Shabbat Shuvah, the Shabbat of Return. Youth services begin at 10:45 am.

Yom Kippur

Friday, October 11
6 pm: Kol Nidre and Evening Service, in person and via our Livestream page.

Saturday, October 12
All services & events may be viewed in person and via our Livestream page
9 am: Shaharit (Morning Service)
10:15 am: Torah service
11 am-2 pm: Rabbi Treu’s Sermon, Yizkor, and the Musaf Service follow, in that order. Youth Services, Babysitting, and Programming provided 10 am-2 pm

2:30 pm: Social Justice Program, “Wrongful Imprisonment and the Innocence Project” with Jule Hall and Shabaka Shakur

4:15 pm: Minchah (Afternoon Service, including recitation of the Book of Jonah)
5:30 pm: Neilah Closing Service
Parents, please bring your children to Murnick Hall at 6:30 pm to line up for the Light Parade.
7:03 pm: Fast Ends with Final Shofar Blast and Havdalah

Purchase Your Lulav & Etrog

Deadline: Wed, Oct 9 
Pickup: Sun, Oct 13, 10 am-noon

Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat Torah

Thursday, October 17 and Friday, October 18
9:45 am: Services in person and via our Livestream page.

Friday, October 18
9:45 am: Services in person and via our Livestream page.
5:30 & 7 pm: Sukkot First Friday Service and Dinners

Saturday, October 19
9:45 am: Shabbat service for Hol HaMoed Sukkot, in person and via our Livestream page.
10:45 am: OhebKids! Shabbat Morning

Sunday, October 20
9 am: Services in person and via Zoom

Monday, October 21 and Tuesday October 22
8 am: Services via Zoom

Wednesday, October 23
8 am: Services for Hoshanah Rabbah in person and via Zoom.

Thursday, October 24
9:45 am:  Services for Shemini Atzeret, in person and via our Livestream page.
11 am: Yizkor will be around this time 
5:45 pm:
Simchat Torah Dinner and Celebration
Featuring a light dinner with adult- and kid-friendly food, followed by ma’ariv and dancing with the Torahs, accompanied by Isle of Klezbos. Click here to reserve your spot for dinner.

Friday, October 25
9:30 am: Simchat Torah services, in person at Congregation B’nai Israel, 160 Millburn Ave., Millburn. A live stream will be available.

Learner's Shabbat/Shabbat B'reshit

Saturday morning, October 26
9:45 am-noon, 
in person and via our Livestream page
Learner’s Shabbat! We begin the Torah from the very beginning, so let’s start at the beginning and deepen our understanding of the Torah and Torah service! An abbreviated Shabbat morning service will leave us plenty of time to ask, learn and discuss.

OhebKids! Shabbat Morning 10:45 am

Candle-Lighting Times

Jewish families light candles at the start of festivals and shabbat. Traditionally this is done 18 minutes before sunset, or earlier on the first night of the holiday, and then once dark hits on the second night of the holiday. The times below are helpful guidance for those looking to take on this practice – whether you light candles the right moment or just the right night, may their glow fill your home and heart with peace, hope, and illumination.

Rosh Hashanah – Wednesday, October 2 @ 6:18 pm; Thursday, October 3 @ 7:15 pm

Yom Kippur – Friday, October 11 @ 6:04 pm. Yizkor (Remembrance or Memorial) candles are also lit at this time.

Sukkot – Wednesday, October 16 @ 5:56 pm; Thursday, October 17 @ 6:54 pm

Shemini Atzeret – Wednesday, October 23 @ 5:46 pm

Simchat TorahThursday, October 24 @ 6:44 pm