The Bobrow Kosher Food Pantry

Oheb Shalom’s Bobrow Kosher Food Pantry helps to fight food insecurity in Essex County. All food distributed is non-perishable and Kosher. Hear the voices of the volunteer coordinators and co-founder in three short videos:
The Bobrow Kosher Food Pantry has three volunteer dates each month. You may view the full schedule and/or sign up to volunteer below:
In keeping with the social action values of Oheb Shalom Congregation, the volunteer-run Bobrow Kosher Food Pantry seeks to serve a cross section of the local population that is struggling with economic difficulties and food insecurity by providing food that meets the rules of kashrut.
The Bobrow Kosher Food Pantry was started in June 1991 to assist Russian Jewish families relocating to the United States and settling in the area. The Pantry now serves about 80 households once each month; at its height, it served more than 200 families a month.
The clients we serve are a cross section of the population with economic challenges and food insecurity. Many are elderly on limited incomes. Some are young families without enough to last from paycheck to paycheck. Most people have been referred to Oheb from Jewish Family Services or other Jewish organizations, from local social services, or by word of mouth. We are also listed as a pantry on the Hillside Community Food Bank website.
The Pantry is open to anyone in need and cannot provide any religious overtones (no cards or holiday greetings in the bags) or it risks losing its Pantry status and eligibility for state/federal funded food sources.
The food we provide is a mix of donated non-perishable food, USDA food that we get at no charge from the government via the Food Bank, and food we purchase from the NJ Food Bank or other sources.
We provide only Kosher non-perishable food. All food donations must have a hechsher on the packaging to denote that it is kosher, or be labeled as vegetarian, and the items cannot be expired or opened.
All the work at the Bobrow Kosher Food Pantry is through volunteer support. Please consider donating your time on our Wednesday bagging nights, Thursday morning truck deliveries, or on our Sunday distribution mornings. You can find the pantry calendar on the Oheb website.
Volunteers help with
- stocking bags with food items,
- prepping paper/plastic bags for future bagging,
- organizing food supplies,
- helping clients carry bags to their cars,
- completing paperwork required by the Food Bank.
Volunteer hours make for a great mitzvah project, as do canned food collections (as long as it meets the ‘kosher rule’) are one idea. Please reach out with questions or to volunteer!