Children & Families

Meet other families with young children.
OhebKids! Shabbat Morning
Weekly, Shabbat mornings at 10:45am
A weekly, teen-led Saturday morning experience for Oheb kids to connect, pray summer-camp style, and explore the weekly Torah portion. Led by an awesome team of madrichim (teen leaders), with adult supervision by Cantor Kissner and Miss Vivian, we will explore what it means to build community through games, discussion, nature-based activities, and play. Based on a one-room-schoolhouse model, kids up to age 5 are invited to join with a caregiver, and ages 5 to 12 are invited for drop-off. Leadership opportunities are available for kids who are interested
First Fridays
5:30 pm Dinner Seating #1
6 pm Family-Friendly Service
7 pm Dinner Seating #2
Join us on select Friday evenings for dinner followed by a family-friendly, musical Shabbat service. Our remaining 2024/25 First Fridays are February 7, March 7, April 4, and May 2
Shabbat Club!
Monthly, Fridays at 5:30 pm
Join us weekly for a relaxed dinner and a brief Shabbat experience. Our remaining 2024/25 Shabbat Club! dates are January 31, February 21, and March 21.
For families with children aged 0 through 5th grade. For more information, contact Education Director Gavin Hirsch.