Get Involved: Join a Committee!

Our members give their time and energy to the groups that keep Oheb Shalom thriving as a spiritual, social and educational community.
Interested in joining a committee or getting more information? Contact the committee chair(s) listed below:
1860 Legacy Society
Chair: Orlie Prince.
It costs approximately $5,600 per member unit to operate Oheb Shalom. While dues and the various annual fundraising campaigns cover the majority of the cost, the remainder is covered by endowment contributions. Legacy Society members have included Oheb Shalom in their estate plans. The Legacy Society Committee encourages and informs members of our community to become members of the 1860 Society.
Bobrow Kosher Food Pantry
Chairs: Sandra Kaplan, Meredith Katz (Volunteer Organizer), and Meredith Lambert
In keeping with the social action values of Oheb Shalom Congregation, the volunteer-run Bobrow Kosher Food Pantry seeks to serve a cross section of the local population that is struggling with economic difficulties and food insecurity by providing food that meets the rules of kashrut.
The Bobrow Kosher Food Pantry was started in June 1991 to assist Russian Jewish families relocating to the United States and settling in the area. The Pantry now serves about 80 households once each month; at its height, it served more than 200 families a month. The clients we serve are a cross section of the population with economic challenges and food insecurity. Many are elderly on limited incomes. Some are young families without enough to last from paycheck to paycheck. Most people have been referred to Oheb from Jewish Family Services or other Jewish organizations, from local social services, or by word of mouth. We are also listed as a pantry on the Hillside Community Food Bank website.
All the work at the Bobrow Kosher Food Pantry is accomplished through volunteer support. Please consider donating your time on our Wednesday bagging nights, Thursday morning truck deliveries, or on our Sunday distribution mornings.acc
Bouquets of Love Committee
Chair: Melinda Hecht
Spread the love and beauty of the flowers from our bimah by turning them into smaller bouquets that are delivered to congregants as recognition and a thank you for their part in our community, or just to give someone a little pick me up. You do not need to be artistic! Writing a quick note and delivering them is part of the work we do and usually takes place on Sunday mornings after a bar or bat mitzvah.
Budget Committee
Chair: Robin Sherer
This committee is responsible for preparing and monitoring the congregation’s annual budget to help ensure a successful future. The committee meets monthly, August through June of each year.
Donor Stewardship Committee
The Donor Stewardship Committee focuses on maintaining relationships with our donors. There is an annual calendar of events — meetings with the clergy, updates from the President, letter writing from our Zeman students, and matching up individual donors with their Oheb Shalom passions as well as an annual event to say “thank you.” All help is welcome! In addition to organizing the annual event, there are opportunities to work with Education Director Gavin Hirsch, Rabbi Treu, Board President Lorraine Survis, and Membership and Community Engagement Coordinator Rachel Klein. A great opportunity to meet many members of many cohorts — all who have the same vision — a better and financially stronger Oheb Shalom!
First Friday Committee
Chairs: Michael Schechner, June Schechner, Heather Murray, and David Murray
Our First Friday Committee serves as greeters at our dinners and works on strategies to keep our First Friday programming fun and successful for all Oheb members. They are also responsible for finding sponsors for the dinners to help keep the costs down for all participating members.
Free Will Committee:
Chairs: Stan Spiegelman and Paul Schechner
The Free Will Committee is responsible for the annual fundraising campaign for Oheb Shalom. The total cost per member unit to run Oheb Shalom’s programming, pay salaries, and maintain our building is $5,600, while our membership dues are less ($3,600 for a family membership). The difference is funded by our Free Will Campaign and endowment support. Each year, we raise over $300,000. All help is welcome! Besides one-on-one solicitations, there are opportunities to help with the Free Will Appeal on the High Holidays, and the annual email/text solicitation. A great opportunity to meet some of our longest tenured members!

House Committee
Chair: Jay Murnick
The House Committee oversees all repairs, maintenance, and construction associated with our building, physical plant, and grounds. Working with the Executive Director, we weigh in whenever necessary to ensure that we properly maintain our facilities.
Inclusion and Belonging Committee
Chair: Jenny Nesenjuk
Oheb Shalom Congregation seeks to celebrate and promote the wonderful diversity within our synagogue community. Our members make up a mosaic of cultural, ethnic, and racial differences, sexualities, gender identities, differing abilities, intergenerational and interfaith families. The Inclusion & Belonging Committee’s mission is to create a welcoming spiritual home through advocacy and education. We motivate and guide our synagogue’s leadership and members to take meaningful actions to ensure that Oheb Shalom becomes a place where every individual feels a profound sense of belonging, and we invite all to participate in our social and religious life. Inclusion and Belonging is composed of four sub-committees: Pride, Interfaith, Jews of Color, and Accessibility.
Investment Committee
Chair: Bob Sochor
This committee is charged with the responsibility of handling, investing and managing congregational funds in a wise, responsible and reasonable manner.
Israel Today Committee
Chairs: Orlie Prince and Richard Prince
The Israel Today Committee is proud to present programming that educates and celebrates the people and land of Israel.
Library Committee
Chair: Linda Willner
The Fan and Hyman M. Jacobs Library, which houses Jewish-themed books for every age and interest, is always available to the Oheb Shalom community. Librarian Aileen Grossberg is only an email away at A special card system enables students and congregants to take out books any day of the week, including Shabbat. Visit our collection on the Oheb site.
Lifelong Learning
Chair: Allan Mendels
We enable members to be active participants in Judaism by providing engaging speakers, seminars and small group programs that appeal across generations and different levels of learning.
Membership Committee
Chair: Inessa Spiegelman
The Membership Committee focuses on welcoming new members and fostering a sense of community within the synagogue. Our goal is to enhance member engagement through meaningful connections, personalized attention, and dynamic programs that celebrate our diverse congregation. Join us to help build a warm, inclusive, and vibrant community for all.

Men’s Club
Chairs: Daniel Blint-Midrony and Stan Spiegelman
The Oheb Shalom Men’s Club believes in “giving back” by holding fundraisers and giving our time and energy in support of various charitable projects. First and foremost, we are a social organization, encouraging men to engage more with our synagogue in a social and purpose driven mission. Join us to make some new friends, spend time with old pals, and make a difference.
Miriam Sisterhood
Chair: Eve Wasserman
Our award-winning Sisterhood awaits you! Founded in 1880, we are a community of Oheb Shalom women encouraging each other to more fully engage with our synagogue and to each of our own unique Jewish journeys. We provide support for Oheb Shalom, both financially and with our participation in synagogue functions. We design and deliver immersive and relevant programming throughout the year. We are committed to advocacy work within our own community, our broader communities and for Israel. As one of the founding members of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism (WLCJ), we take great pride in our beloved Miriam Sisterhood, which offers something for everyone!
VP of Operations and Torah Fund Chair: Sue Shapiro
We demonstrate our steadfast support of the Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS) through our annual participation in the Torah Fund Campaign.
Fanny B. Hoffman B’nai Mitzvah Bible and Camp Ramah Scholarship Funds: Linda Willner
Flower Fund: Norma Schechner
Ideal for tributes, memorials and honors, and b’nai mitzvah arrangements. Miriam Sisterhood is happy to help you fulfill the mitzvah of beautifying any special simcha.
Judaica Shop: Sheila Kaufman
The shop offers a lovely assortment of Shabbat, holiday and everyday household needs. We order kippot for any special occasion. The shop is open every Sunday morning when Zeman School is in session and by appointment. Miriam Sisterhood members receive 10% off all items.
Mae Zelikow Book Review: Sylvia Amato and Linda Willner
Consider the long-standing book group as an invitation to read Jewish literature with friends. In-person and online to accommodate everyone.
Membership: Cheryl Barkin
Sisterhood Shabbat: Kathie Abrams
Miriam Sisterhood’s annual tradition to step up and step in to celebrate our members’ spiritual journeys.
Social Secretary: Marci Gordon
Supermarket Gift Cards: Michelle Bobrow
ShopRite donates back to Miriam Sisterhood.
Treasurer: Robin Sherer
Morning Minyan
Chair: Paul Nagelberg
Our morning minyan meets every day of the year, Monday-Friday at 8 am and Sunday at 9 am. Memorial prayers for loved ones (El Maley Rachamim) can be recited on days when the Torah is read (Mondays and Thursdays). Prayers for healing can be said privately every day and are recited publicly when the Torah is read.
Music Committee
We help to foster an environment of musical appreciation and advocacy within the congregation, and work to showcase Jewish culture through arts and music. We also assist the Cantor with major music events and other musical programs.
Program Council
Chairs: Doug Magid and Leo Gordon
The Program Council oversees the Oheb Shalom program calendar.
Purim Project
Chairs: Leslie Gilman and Debra Ginsberg
This important fundraiser enables congregants to fulfill the mitzvah of Mishloach Manot by sending gifts of food during Purim. This committee oversees the purchasing, bagging, and distribution of the Purim bags, as well as the management of the online bag selection program.
Religious Affairs Committee
Chair: Stuart Schulman
This committee consults with the clergy on matters of prayer service design and innovation, acts as a sounding board for the Rabbi in her capacity as Mara D’atra, and ensures there is bimah coverage every Shabbat. Recent work has included reviewing and codifying shul policies on our practices on Shabbat and festivals, Kashrut in the building, policies regarding funerals and mourning at Oheb, and standards for our B’nai Mitzvah celebrations.
Security Committee
Chairs: Sharon Pidgeon and Lisa Fox
This committee focuses on the safety and security of our building and our members through training, equipment, procedures and grants acquisition.
Social Justice Initiative
Chair: Bennet Zurofsky
This committee was formed in the wake of the tragic death of George Floyd and the increased awareness of the Black Lives Matter movement. The group’s objective is to create programs to discuss systemic racism and unconscious bias, to become more aware of social justice issues, and to create opportunities for positive action.
Ushering Committee
Chair: Gloria Aaron
Our goal is to greet and welcome both congregants and guests who attend Oheb for services and other simchas or events.
Zeman Religious School Board
Chair: Dan Jeselsohn
The Zeman School Board provides guidance and direction for our Zeman School program, as well as our youth and family services.