
Sharing your most important moments.
At times of joy and in times of sorrow, Oheb Shalom is there for you. Our clergy are always there to ensure you and your family’s needs are met during these important times.
B’nai Mitzvah
One of the ways we pass Jewish traditions and identity on to our children is through the ritual of celebrating a tween’s reaching the age of 12 or 13. The B’nai Mitzvah ritual is more than just a rote act for children. Done well, it is a spiritually and communally engaging rite of passage for the entire family – including you, the parents who are raising your child as part of the Jewish community. B’nai Mitzvah ritual ceremonies typically take place on Shabbat morning (Saturday morning) and are the culmination of years of study capped by an intensive year (or so) of working with Cantor Kissner and Rabbi Treu.
At Oheb Shalom, families work with our clergy and education team to create a B’nai Mitzvah experience that is tailored to the child’s interests and family’s goals. While all students learn to chant Torah, lead parts of the service and offer their own teaching by giving a d’var Torah (sermon), we treasure the creativity each individual student brings. We offer a few different tracks of study and exploration, enabling each B’nai Mitzvah to go deeper into what interests them – be that chanting Torah and haftarah, leading prayer services in Hebrew with the traditional nusach (melodies), or an artistic or social justice-related project as the centerpiece of their learning and celebration. While B’nai Mitzvah rituals take place on Shabbat morning as part of the broader Oheb Shalom community, we are excited to make each one unique.
Brit Milah/Simchat Bat
We love to welcome new Jewish children into the world! Families are encouraged to celebrate a bris or baby naming here at Oheb Shalom. Arrangements to use the building should be made directly with our Executive Director, Michelle Strassberg.
Our Rabbi Emeritus, Rabbi Mark Cooper, is a Certified Mohel and enjoys celebrating the ceremony of Brit Milah in either the synagogue or any location the family prefers.
Celebrate your wedding here at Oheb Shalom! Our building includes a beautiful and intimate chapel that seats up to 150, a spacious sanctuary for larger groups, and a bridal suite. Our wonderful in-house caterer is available to you, or we can provide you with a list of local kosher caterers. Please contact our Executive Director Michelle Strassberg.

The end of life is treated with sensitivity and care at Oheb Shalom. Rabbi Treu and Cantor Kissner visit the ill in their homes or the hospital. After the passing, officiating at a funeral, a shiva minyan, or an unveiling ceremony is a priority for our clergy.
Top Photo: Live Love Lens Photography/Jamie Meier
To inquire about the process of your child’s becoming a B’nai Mitzvah at Oheb Shalom, please be in touch with Gavin Hirsch, Education Director.