Join us for a FREE relaxed dinner and a brief Shabbat experience. For families with children age 0 through 5th grade. All dinners have kid-friendly food. For more information, contact Education Director Gavin Hirsch. For more information, contact Education Director Gavin Hirsch.
You are invited to the annual Rabbi Alexander M. Shapiro z"l Memorial Lecture & Breakfast, generously sponsored by Betty Feinberg. Rabbi Shai Held, one of the most influential Jewish thinkers and leaders in America, is President and Dean of the Hadar Institute in New York City. Click Here to Register
Come support the Bobrow food pantry by bagging and organizing food, and distributing to guests at curbside pickup. (Note: you can sign up for one or two shifts during this time period.)
Come support the Bobrow food pantry by bagging and organizing food, and distributing to guests at curbside pickup. (Note: you can sign up for one or two shifts during this time period.)
Now that you're not just someone's parent anymore, who are you? Now that your Jewish life isn't centered around raising children, how do you shape your own spiritual life? This 3-part session will be geared for people moving into and/or settling in to this new life stage. Led by Rabbi Treu, the classes will be […]
Noa Tishby's "Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth" was published in 2021, but has become essential reading this year. Join Rabbi Treu for a book-club-style discussion that can help us deepen our knowledge about Israel's history and give context to the war now under way.