Candle Lighting
4 Adar II 5784
Preschool closed – Professional Dev.
Shabbat Club!
Join us for a FREE relaxed dinner and a brief Shabbat experience. For families with children age 0 through 5th grade. All dinners have kid-friendly food. For more information, contact Education Director Gavin Hirsch.
For more information, contact Education Director Gavin Hirsch.
Evening Shabbat Service
Meeting ID: 973 762 7067
Password: shalom
3 Adar II 5784
Zeman School
Zeman Wednesday afternoon
Volunteer for the Bobrow Food Pantry
Come support the Bobrow food pantry by bagging and organizing food, and distributing to guests at curbside pickup. (Note: you can sign up for one or two shifts during this time period.)
Introduction to Judaism
Whether you are in an interfaith family or relationship, re-discovering your Jewish roots, or interested in converting to Judaism, this class is for you.