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Maybe because of the images from Rafah all week, maybe out of a sense of being misunderstood, or maybe because of the opening lines of this week’s parasha*, I am going to take a risk, and share with you a few pages from my diary. The entry is dated October 29, 2023. I share it out of a sense of wanting to be in this with you all – setting aside the recent verdict for a minute to remember what the headlines were all week until then.

It feels… risky. Raw. Here goes.

The entry ends there. 

Seven months later, I still don’t know if the “flock” is ready to hear it. The part about wanting to love even our enemies, to cultivate compassion – for they too are somebody’s children – is hard. I’ve been saying all along that our spiritual work in this is to stretch our hearts as big as they will go. Our work is also to figure out how to hold love for Israel – the people and the country – during a very difficult war. Maybe not everyone is ready to hear both of those truths, to work on holding both. But I am ready to preach it, and to continue to pray for the softening of our hearts, the ability to hold multiple truths in a complex world, the goodwill of nations toward the State and People of Israel wherever we dwell, and most of all, for peace.

Today is day 237 of captivity. So much awfulness has ensued. Please God, help us know what to do to make peace in this world, and in our hearts. Amen.

*This week’s parasha, B’hukkotai, Leviticus 26: “If you follow My laws and faithfully observe My commandments…I will grant peace in the land, and you shall lie down untroubled by anyone…”