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Oheb Is...

What They're Saying About Oheb

Welcome to Oheb Shalom’s online home. If you’re here to read more about our warm, caring community, or to learn about our tuition-free Zeman Religious School, you’ve come to the right place.

On this page, you can watch and listen to current Oheb members and Rabbi Abigail Treu. They’re the ones who know us best, who have chosen to bring their families here and make Oheb their spiritual home, for two years, ten, or seventy-five. They’re congregants, Zeman parents, committee members, and past presidents. 

Click or tap the appropriate button below to learn more. If you have questions, please contact
 Rachel Klein, Membership Coordinator.  If you enjoy these videos and know someone who might want to see them, please share on social media with the hashtag #findyourpeople.

To learn about membership:

To learn about Zeman Religious School:

What is Oheb? (An Introduction)

Stephanie Felix, Member since 2022

“Whether you’re five or seventy-five or thirty, you can walk into this building and feel like you belong here, and it is your place.”

“We were looking for a community, not just a synagogue, and we really found it here.”

Amanda Shankin, Member since 2022

“I walked into this room, it was full of kids and parents, and this warm, fuzzy feeling washed over me. I looked around and I saw familiar faces everywhere. My kids were saying hi to people. We were saying hi to people. I was like, ‘Oh, we’re in it now.'”

Rachel Selwyn, Member since 2018

“When you say ‘committee,’ I run away. I have a full-time job, a family. But in this environment, it felt different. I joined the Zeman school board, and eventually became president.”

Jon & Jackie Levine, Members since 2023

“Everyone knew the names of our kids within the first day. After being here a couple of weeks, it was like they owned the place.”

Rabbi Abigail Treu, at Oheb since 2022

“Everybody matters. In a congregation of our size, we’re large enough to be thriving, but every single person has a contribution to make. And we’re small enough that each and every person really counts for something.”

Allan Mendels, Member since 2022

“For me, it’s so fulfilling.  There are so many different sources of energy I get from it, whether it’s helping to set up the sukkah to planting the flower garden that I started this year.”

Gary & Lora Wegner, Members since 1994

“This is a community. It’s a home and a community.”

Mimi Sochor, Member since 1948

“It’s all about belonging.  Feeling you’re in a comfortable space where you’re welcome.”