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Holidays & Festivals

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

We hold a special erev Rosh Hashanah service in Maplewood Park open to the entire community (photo above), free of charge.  Check out our 2023 event photo album here

As we do every year, we also hold our traditional Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services, for adults and children, in our chapel and sanctuary. 


We mark the beginning of the period leading up to the High Holidays with an uplifting evening of prayer, meditation and music outdoors.


Our congregational Sukkah, raised each year by the Men’s Club, is available for all to enjoy throughout the holiday.  We host a special service and dinner.  The Miriam Sisterhood holds its Membership Appreciation Night in the sukkah and the Men’s Club holds an annual Scotch in the Sukkah event.

Simchat Torah

Our annual Simchat Torah festivities feature services, Hallel and Hakafot (dancing with the Torah scrolls), featuring music and entertainment. A celebratory kiddush lunch follows for the entire community.


Spin the dreidel and enjoy latkes and sufganiyot with us as we celebrate the Festival of Lights! The entire congregation comes together to light the menorah and sing songs on this special night. 

In the past, we have enjoyed a Chanukah-themed First Friday, 
a township Menorah Lighting, and Oheb’s own Menorah Lighting.

Tu B’Shevat

The “New Year of the Trees” has been marked at Oheb Shalom in years past with a musical service, a Seder and a focus on environmental sustainability.


Oheb hosts a Purim Celebration for Kids & Families as well as a dinner and  Megillah reading. 

In addition, our Purim tote mitzvah fundraiser delivers mishloach manot to members along with Purim greetings from Oheb friends. To read more about the 2025 campaign, click here.


To watch the other two entries in the 2024 Chametz series, click here. To view our 2025 dedicated Passover page, click here.

Traditionally, we begin with a study and siyum for the first born on the morning of Passover eve. That night (Night of the First Seder) is an evening service at Oheb.  We continue to hold morning services throughout the eight days of Passover.  Yizkor is recited during the morning service on the 8th day of Passover.

Lag B’Omer

This holiday is celebrated with a congregation-wide outdoor picnic and bonfire.


On erev Shavuot, there is a Tikkun Leil Shavuot learning event and celebration, complete with cheesecake.  And in the morning, festival services for adults and families.

Weekly Service Schedule

The community is welcome to join us for all services.

Morning Minyan:

(Mon, Tue, Thu, and Fri)
8 am – Zoom

Wednesday Morning Minyan:

8 am – Always in-person, followed by breakfast discussion (also on Zoom).

Friday Evening Shabbat:

6 pm – Zoom, except for monthly First Friday services and dinner, which may be viewed on our Livestream page.

Saturday Morning Shabbat:

9:45 am – Shabbat morning services are always in-person and on our Livestream page, followed by a kiddush lunch.

Sunday Morning Minyan:

9 am – Meets in person at Oheb on mornings when Zeman School is in session. On days when Zeman is NOT is session, we meet on Zoom