Anniversaries are something to look forward to with joy, sadness, appreciation, or awe.

On August 29th, we marked the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington  for Jobs and Freedom organized by Martin Luther King, Jr. and the SCLC, a group of ministers and related individuals fighting for civil rights.

It behooves us to remember this event as Americans, as right-minded people and as human beings. The struggle for civil rights.

In the last few years important documents relating to the struggle for civil rights and the abolishment of legal segregation have been opened.

For those interested in American history, the following 2023 books are critical:

Eig, Jonathan, King: A Life. This thoroughly documented book will tell you all you want to know about MLK, Jr. and more. This is no hagiography: you may even end up not liking King much. But it shows the struggles that King had both as a man and a leader and the forces that he fought against from within himself and from the United States government primarily in the form of J .Edgar Hoover. There is a section of photos.

Kix, Paul, You Have to be Prepared to Die Before You Can Begin to Live: Ten Weeks in Birmingham That Changed America. Kix takes the reader day by day, person by person, sometimes hour by hour through the planning for the demonstration in Birmingham that was meant to revive the SCLC’s work for civil rights. Momentum had stalled; fewer people were volunteering for non-violent protests. Montgomery changed that with the controversial decision to allow children, some as young as ten, to march through the streets of the infamous Bull Connor’s city. This book reads like a suspense novel and will draw the reader in to the uncertainty of the situation. The ultimate success in Montgomery set the stage for the August 28, 1963 March on Washington.

Older books in the library’s collection give a historical perspective on the relationships between African-Americans and Jews (before most classified documents were released):

Yasner, Deanie:  Essie Rosie’s Revelation Summer. In this chapter book, it’s 1953. Ten year-old Essie Rose Ginsburg lives in a small Mississippi town where she faces not only the challenges of growing up but also the results of challenging the rules of segregation. Based on the author’s experience. (2019)

Deutsch, Staci: Hot Pursuit: Murder in Mississippi. Simple retelling of the events that led to the murder of three young civil rights workers — two of whom where white Jews — in the summer of 1964.  (2010)

Schneier, Marc:  Shared Dreams: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Jewish Community. Describes the range of attitudes of the Jewish community towards the civil rights movement and King’s attitude toward Jews and Israel. (1999)

Forman, Seth: Blacks in the Jewish Mind: a Crisis of Liberalism. Looks at the contentious relationship between African-Americans and Jews and what motivated Jewish involvement in the civil rights movement. (1998)

Lerner, Michael: Jews and Blacks: Let the Healing Begin. With Cornel West, Lerner discusses the issues that African-Americans and Jews shared and that now divide them. (1995)

Berman, Paul, ed.  Blacks and Jews: Alliances and Arguments. An anthology of articles describing the feud between  African-Americans and Jews and considering what the future holds (1994)


When you see this at Costco, you know that the Days of Awe, the High Holidays, will soon be upon us.

All kidding aside, we are right in the middle of the month of Elul, the prelude to Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The shofar sounds each day (except Shabbat) and we recite Psalm 27 to remind us that the holidays are near.

The following books may help you on your spiritual journey through Elul and on to the holidays of Tishrei. And don’t forget that you can dip into the Mahzor at any time for inspiration and preparation.

Items marked with a * will be on display in the Library.

*Agnon, S.Y.:  Days of Awe: being a treasury of traditions, legends and learned commentaries concerning Rosh Ha-Shanah, Yom Kippur and the days between

*Brown, Erica  Return: Daily Inspiration for the Days of Awe; Confronting Scandal: how Jews can respond when Jews do bad things

*Frankl, Viktor:  Man’s Search for Meaning

*Hammer, Reuven:  Entering the High Holidays: a guide to the history, prayers and themes

*Hoffman, Lawrence:  Prayers of Awe: Series including We Have Sinned, May God Remember, All the World, All These Vows.

*Hurwitz, Sarah:  Here All Along: finding meaning, spirituality, and a deeper connection to life-in Judaism (after finally choosing to look there)

Kushner, Harold:  How Good Do We Have to Be? A New Understanding of Guilt and Forgiveness

*Lew, Alan:  This is Real and You Are Completely Unprepared: the Days of Awe as a journey of transformation

Olitzky, Kerry:  Preparing Your Heart for the High Holy Days: a guided journal

*Robbins, Rabbi Debra:  Opening Your Heart with Psalm 27: a spiritual practice for the Jewish New Year

*Ruttenberg, Danya:  On Repentance and Repair: making amends in an unapologetic world

Sachs, Jonathan:  To Heal a Fractured World: the ethics of responsibility

Schimmel, Solomon:  Wounds Not Healed by Time: the power of repentance and forgiveness

Soloveitchik, Joseph:   On Repentance


Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to The Jewish Catalog. How old are you now?

This year The Jewish Catalog: A Do-It-Yourself Kit reached the venerable age of fifty, right smack in middle age.  When most of us reach that age, we show signs that we have arrived: some gray at our temples, a few wrinkles, maybe even a desire for a midday nap. But a fifty-year-old is hardly over the hill these days and may look forward to some of his or her best years.

The same may be said of some books. Inspired by the 1968 Whole Earth Catalog, The (First) Jewish Catalog rode the do-it-yourself wave that began in the early 20th century, became a 

phenomenon in the 50s and 60s, and peaked in the 70s to 90s.

Reflecting the changes in the more liberal branches of Judaism, the catalog began as author 

Richard Siegel’s master’s thesis from Brandeis. It answered questions, gave instructions, and encouraged participation at a time when many young Jews were looking for new ways to connect with their Judaism.

The three twenty-something authors, Siegel, Michael Strassfeld, and then wife Sharon Strassfeld all went on to fulfilling carriers as both authors and rabbis.

Richard Siegel passed away in 2018. He is also credited with The Jewish Almanac, and, with his wife Rabbi Laura Geller, Getting Good at Getting Older.

Author Strassfeld, who became a rabbi, retired from the pulpit in 2015. He recently wrote Judaism Disrupted: A Spiritual Manifesto for the 21st Century in which he argues that “Judaism’s purpose is to encourage and remind us to live lives of compassion, loving relationships and being a good person.”

Sharon Strassfeld was instrumental in founding the innovative Abraham Joshua Heschel School in New York, creating a ceremony for newborn daughters and authoring The Jewish Family Book.

Many years after the Catalog’s publication, Siegel said the authors had “a legitimate critique of Jewish life and were offering some new ideas for its reinvigoration….we were working to make the change happen and providing the resources on how to live a Jewish live when the resources weren’t easily accessible.”

The First Jewish Catalog spawned two further books which focused more on the ethical, emotional and social issues of Judaism. Several catalogs aimed at young readers also appeared under Chaya Burstein’s authorship.

As columnist Jennifer Bleyer reflected some years ago in a Tablet Magazine article, The First Jewish Catalog is a true Jewish classic which has taught generations  how to celebrate holidays, make a shofar, build a sukkah, crochet their own kippots, and connect or reconnect to their Judaism.

The First Jewish Catalog is the Jewish Publication Society’s second bestseller after the Bible. It is still in print. You might even have a dog-eared copy on your bookshelves or find it on your parents’.

It’s still worth dipping into. You may be charmed, or not, by the distinctly low-tech look. But it remains a valuable source for Jewish customs, ceremonies, recipes. And unlike the fickle internet, The Jewish Catalog is always ready to give you an answer.The library has all three volumes, as well as other books by the Catalog’s authors. There are also related volumes on the display shelves. 


Although each of us should be proud of who we are every month of the year, June is officially PRIDE month, celebrating and supporting the LGBTQ+ population.

Jewish literature has always dealt with the issues of the day: Heather Has two Mommies (1989) by Jewish writer Leslea Newman was a breakthrough book for young children. In an updated edition, it is still a go to book for the intended audience.

The first specifically Jewish picture book about an LGBTQ family was Kushner’s The Purim Superhero (2013). With its Jewish setting and matter-of-fact story, the book gained a wide audience.
 In the years since these books, there have been many mainstream books dealing with the everyday joys and challenges of LGBTQ characters- from comedies to tragedies, stories of love and friendship, fantasies and mysteries.

Below are a few worthwhile books out of the scores available to be enjoyed by any reader:
(Books are listed by publication date)

2023 Hemon            The World and All its Holes. A WWI novel of love, memory and history.
2022    Gephart           Abby, Tried and True. Abby’s mother is a lesbian.
2022 Lamb               When Angels Left the Old Country. An angel and demon are study partners.
2022 Sass                Ellen Outside the Lines. 13 year old neurodivergent Ellen deals with her multiple  Identities (J)
2022 Twitty           Koshersoul. Explores the author’s identity as a Black gay Jew.
2021 Polydorus     The City Beautiful. A historical mystery-fantasy set in 1893 Chicago. (YA)
2020 Lehrer          Golem Girl. Born with spina bifida, Rena is challenged  on many levels.
2020 Lewis            The Rabbi who Prayed with Fire. A young rabbi finds love in this mystery. (J)
2018 Colbert         Little & Lion. A Black Jewish girl struggles to define herself. (YA)
2019 Thorn           It Feels Good to be Yourself: a book about gender identity. (Parenting)   
2016 Gordon        The Flower Girl Wore Celery. A sweet book about a misunderstanding. (Picture)
2012 Ladin            Through the Door of Life: a Jewish journey between genders
2009                    Torah Queeries: weekly commentaries on the Hebrew Bible
2006 Alderman     Disobedience. A  woman returns to the strict Orthodox community she fled.


In our family, it is the matzah balls that win the nostalgia award. The brisket, too, but sometimes that is swapped out for turkey or chicken, the price of kosher meat being what it is; and anyway, there are the vegetarians to consider. The charoset? Well, yes, of course. In some years it has also been the star feature; in particular that final year of my uncle’s too-short life, when he decided to make six different recipes from Jewish communities around the world even though the chemotherapy made it hard for him to stand in the kitchen for very long. Every one of the six was deliciously bittersweet.

Charoset: nominated for best lead or supporting role? To look at the Haggadah, it would seem the latter. It doesn’t get its own named step in the seder, or even its own blessing. In fact, it is unclear if it is its own mitzvah (commandment) or just a part of the maror (bitter herbs) and korech (Hillel sandwich) ones. The charoset is just sort of slipped in there, in the instructions for how to eat the maror, right before the meal is served. Like, that spot where no one wants to take extra time to consider another question. It’s just there, part of the meal, something you do as part of the maror and korech steps but not actually part of the narrative arc of the Haggadah-script at all.

In fact, unlike matzah and maror, charoset is not found anywhere in the Torah.

It is, however, alluded to in the earliest rabbinic works of the Mishnah, a collection of early rabbinic teachings that was completed around 200 CE:

“They brought before [the seder leader] matzah and lettuce [hazeret] and charoset, and at least two cooked dishes, although eating charoset is not a commandment (mitzvah). Rabbi Eliezer ben Tzadok says: it is a commandment (mitzvah).” (Mishna, Pesachim 10:3)

Already nearly 2,000 years ago our ancestors were eating something they called charoset as part of the seder meal. It’s never defined, and there seems to be disagreement about whether it was a mitzvah or not.

The rabbis living in the following centuries took up the question, and some of their conversations are recorded in the Talmud. “And if it is not a mitzvah,” Rabbi Ami asks  (Babylonian Talmud, Pesachim 116a) “why does one serve it?” A few answers are offered:

Idea #1: “It is brought due to the poison in the bitter herbs, which is neutralized by the charoset.” Is this a culinary suggestion or a spiritual one?

Idea #2: “Rabbi Levi says: It is in remembrance of the apple.” Huh? What apple?

Idea #3: “Rabbi Yohanan says: It is in remembrance of the clay.” This sounds familiar. The charoset, we learn as children and most haggadot tell us, is to remember the mortar used with the bricks in the building of the pyramids. In fact, a Haggadah printed in Spanish in 17th century offers a recipe for charoset that includes the following: “Then mix in a bit of brick dust, in memory of the bricks which our fathers made in Egypt.” A haggadah printed in Salonika in 1740 reports that “in Salonika the elders testified that they used to put chopped calermini stone in the charoset.” I’ve read that during the American Civil War, soldiers at the front, unable to find the ingredients for charoset, put an actual brick on their makeshift seder plate. Rabbi Yohanan’s idea seems to have stuck and become mainstream. But as we see, his is not the only idea about this mysterious dish. In fact, the Talmud seems to want to compromise, which brings us to…

Idea #4: “Abaye said: Therefore, to fulfill both opinions [the idea of the apple and the idea of the clay], one must prepare the charoset tart and thick. Tart in remembrance of the apple, and thick in remembrance of the clay.” Again, what’s with the apple? Why not just go with the clay idea and move on?

That apple comment becomes important, as most – though not all – charoset recipes feature apples as a key ingredient. So what is the apple? Is it perhaps an allusion to the fruit of the Garden of Eden? Perhaps. And also, perhaps to a midrash (rabbinic story) about love, as Rashi suggests in his 11th century commentary to the Talmud. He reminds us of the story: Disheartened by their ongoing oppression and in particular by Pharoah’s decree that all Jewish boys should be killed at birth, the Israelite men gave up being intimate with their wives. The wives however refused to accept their husbands’ sense of defeat, and went out among the apple trees and seduced their husbands. Later on, they went out to those same apple trees and gave birth to their children nearby. This midrash (rabbinic tale) is included in the Haggadah, actually just a few pages before we eat the charoset.

So what is the apple of the charoset recipe? The apple is about Jewish continuity, resilience and most importantly and uniquely at the seder: love.

The ingredients of charoset are actually all mentioned in the Biblical love story-poem Song of Songs, which is read on the Shabbat of Passover at synagogue and also included in some haggadot:  “Come, my beloved, let us go in the open – under the apple tree I roused you… I went down to the nut grove…the pomegranites were in bloom…the figs…the almonds…the dates…all choice fruits” (Song of Songs, 7:12-14, 5:11).

Perhaps, then, eating charoset is ingesting this love song. The love song of the Jewish people and God, and also two human beings. Aryeh ben David has written:

“The face of someone who has fallen in love shines with hope. Often, with the passing of years, the early spark felt when first falling in love fades. But when we look at old pictures and read the letters written in early romance, we can often rekindle the flames of our passion. The Seder, with its four cups of wine, recling posture, charoset, and lengthy discussion of the Jewish People’s “first date” with God, evokes and rekindles this love. And as with all love stories, hope is renewed.”

Abaye’s Idea #4 is right. The charoset is a mixture that is full of the love of the apple, and also thick like the mud of slavery. Because isn’t that what life is? A thick mixture of hope and despair, of sweet moments of love and tenderness and also sticky-thick moments of pain and trauma that are hard to let go?

“From darkness to light, from slavery to freedom, from winter to spring, and now from bitterness to sweetness. But with the light, there is still darkness in the world. With our freedom, there are still those who are enslaved…Even within our own lives, we live within the tapestry of these contradictions. It is dark, and it is light; we are trapped, and we are liberated; we are cold, and we are warm; we experience pain and joy, just as we have eaten the maror with the charoset, taking the bitter with the sweet. Through this act, we acknowledge the fulness of life, shaded by the gradations of experience…a reflection of the full range of possibilities.” (Rabbi Joy Levitt)As we head to the seder table tonight and tomorrow, may the charoset bring us all to the messy, sticky-tart-sweet taste of life in all its fulness, the taste of liberation and love.  


We celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life in just a few days.  His relationship with the Jewish community was marked by his friendship with Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. When King asked the Rabbi if he had found time to pray, Heschel famously answered  that he “felt his legs were praying”  as he stood with King and walked with King in the marches of the mid 1960s.

In the years since King and Heschel’s friendship, the relationship between Jews and Blacks has sometimes been fraught with tension. However, the long history of Jewish support for the Black community and civil rights seem , in the long run, to overcome the tensions.
Today, white Jews are discovering their Black Jewish brethren as we acknowledge the diversity among people who practice Judaism.

The following books,  available in the synagogue or public library, are just a few  that highlight  the history of the Black-Jewish relationship.



Gad                  The Color of Love: a memoir of a mixed-race Jewish girl (2019)

Greene             The Temple Bombing (1996) A readable study of the racially motivated 1958 bombing of The Temple in Atlanta.

Hoffman           The Great White Way: race and the Broadway musical (2020)

McBride           The Color of Water: a Black man’s tribute to his white mother (1996)

Schneier           Shared Dreams: Martin Luther King Jr and the Jewish community (1999)

Schwartz          Ghetto: the history of a word (2019)

Twitty               Koshersoul: the faith and food journey of an African-American Jew (2022)

Non-Fiction Young Readers

Churnin            Martin & Anne: the kindred spirits of Martin Luther King Jr and Anne Frank (2019)                              Both were born in 1929 and became household names for their words.

Fishman           When Jackie and Hank Met. (2012) What happened when legendary Jewish baseball player Hank Greenberg and rookie major leaguer Jackie Robinson literally collided on the baseball field.

Finkelstein        Schools of Hope: the Rosenwald Schools of the American South (2014) Young Adult

Michelson         As Good as Anybody: Martin Luther King Jr and Abraham Joshua Heschel’s amazing march toward freedom (2008)

Rose                 The Singer and the Scientist. (2021) The story of the friendship between singer Marian Anderson and scientist Albert Einstein who bonded over their mutual love of music  


Earlier this week, I was astounded to log in to one of the news websites I read regularly and see the word “Jew” appear – not once in one article, but three times, three different headlines, covering three different topics. This was not the Jewish press, mind you; it was the Drudge Report, which I read along with its left-leaning counterparts (we also subscribe to both the NY Times and the Wall Street Journal. Lest you don’t believe me when I say I am a centrist and pluralist to the core.) Between Kanye, former President Trump, and the UC Berkeley Law School student government, there was what to cover.

There are only 6 million Jews in this country. That’s less than 2% of the national population. Worldwide, there are fewer than 16 million Jews. In the world. That’s 0.2% of the world population.

Why are we in the headlines? Why are we the object of such fascination, obsession, hatred?

The recently appointed head of the Institute for Advance Study, David Nirenberg, explored this topic in his 2013 tome Anti-Judaism: The Western Tradition. He argued that anti-Judaism “should not be understood as some archaic or irrational closet in the vast edifices of Western thought…[but is] rather one of the basic tools with which that edifice was constructed.” He traces this idea from Egypt through Roman through Islam and Christianity to the modern era. Several hundred pages of scholarship later he concludes: “We live in an age in which millions of people are exposed daily to some variant of the argument that the challenges of the world they live in are best explained in terms of ‘Israel’.”

Nine years later, we have only seen this problem grow. When a highly regarded law school, an internationally acclaimed rap star, and a former President are all talking about the Jewish problem, our radar goes off the charts.

I have very little new to add to the conversation. I write about this now mostly to convey a concern, one that I know most of us already share. I can invite you to read thought pieces I’ve appreciated this week, among them What Kanye Can Teach Us About Anti-Semitism, Yair Rosenberg’s piece in his Deep Shtetl column in The Atlantic, and We’re Jewish Berkeley Law Students, Excluded from Many Areas of Campus, published in the Daily Beast. I can invite us all to be activists on this issue, in as dovish and loving a way we can, so that we sow seeds of peace and not further antagonism. Our teens in the POST program are engaging this year again with the Anti-Defamation League’s educational programming so they can go out into the world educated and equipped with knowledge to help them navigate life on campus and in the world as Jews. As an ADL Signature Synagogue, we will continue to offer educational programs for adults to help us fight anti-Semitism. This spring we are looking forward to new programming now in the works with the local chapter of Sisterhood of Salaam-Shalom, helping strengthen our connection to the local Muslim community, and to lifting up as we do each year the memory of the Holocaust through the Interfaith Holocaust Commemoration and Yom HaShoah programming.

When I was in college, a student group sent in the postal mail an oversized envelope to every self-identified Jewish student on campus. Open the envelope, and on a large piece of paper, in huge black letters occupying nearly the whole page, was one word: JEW. A postcard also in the envelope asked: how do you feel seeing that word? Are you ashamed, defensive, braced for an insult? Or are you proud?

In a moment where our culture has once again fixated on Jew-bashing and anti-Semitism, I hope our congregation can be a source of Jewish pride, sanctuary and strength. I do not have easy answers for combatting anti-Semitism. What I do have is a way for us to calm our nerves and strengthen our resolve: residing in community. The more we connect with one another, the more we own our Jewish identities and operate from a deep sense of peoplehood. This is as true for our family members who are not Jewish as it is for those of us who were born or chose to become Jewish. May our connection to one another as a Jewish community fill us with the strength and resolve we need to move forward in a world that clearly needs us to heal much that is broken.


Yom Kippur Sermon 10/5/22
Rosh Hashanah Sermon 9/26/22
On overturning Roe v Wade 6/27/22


This week is a pessimist’s raison d’etre:  devastation in Haiti, heartbreak and harrowing events in Afghanistan, the continued flourishing of the coronavirus. To say nothing of the wildfires raging on in California, or the water shortage on the Colorado River, or continued fighting between Israel and Hezbollah including an alleged missile strike in Syria.

How does Torah—in its mega-sense, meaning all of Jewish teaching and expression—help us absorb the news? How might it inform how we respond to events? What are some guidelines for us in a week like this?

  1. I know I am called on to help. Tzedek, tzedek tirdof – we are to pursue justice; v’ahavta l’reikha kamokha – love your neighbor as yourself. We know we are to do everything we can. Jewish Federation of Greater Metrowest is working with American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee to support efforts in Haiti (, as is Haitian-operated NJ4Haiti ( HIAS is collecting funds to help settle Afghani refugees, the ones we saw crowded into the aircraft carrier, the ones who make it out. Closer to home, we can cooperate with medical directives to vaccinate and wear masks as instructed, to help keep others who cannot be vaccinated safe.

  2. Judaism offers us the outlet of prayer, which can satisfy our emotional need to “do something” even in situations when we can do very little to help. Some people pray because they believe in a God who hears prayers and acts on it them in some way. Some people pray because it is a form of contemplative expression, a way to shape the climate of our hearts. Either way, prayer can help us through. Pray. Use the siddur (prayerbook), or don’t. Psalm 27, which is the Psalm for this month of Elul, is a good one to recite for all we are witnessing and experiencing in the world right now. Or stick with one of my favorite lines in the weekday Amidah: Grant us from You the grace of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. It really feels like right now we need all three.

  3. Choosing Torah means placing myself as part of a community. If I were all alone in the world, the hard stuff would be overwhelming and unbearable. It might still be overwhelming – but it is not unbearable, because we have one another. Pick up the phone and call someone from the Oheb community whom you think could use a compassionate check-in. Talk about the news, or don’t. It will help you both; it will weave us together. A few weeks ago I preached on mental health. This is a moment where someone reeling from watching the pictures of those planes taking off from Kabul might really need that check-in. Because we might be all alone in the world – but through Torah, through choosing to be part of the Jewish community, we are not.

In a week like this, when there feels like there is so little to do except despair, I am grateful that Judaism gives me a framework to handle it all, and this holy community to do it with.


One of my earliest Jewish memories is of the shofar. In particular, the final blast of the season, that long blast at the end of Yom Kippur ne’ilah. My memory is of the synagogue elder, ancient to my little girl eyes, holding the Havdalah candle, and – to my horror – beckoning me and my sister to come join him on the bimah. We must have been sitting in the front rows. I was too shy in those days; I wouldn’t do it. From our seats, I watched the flame light, and then saw more than heard the shofar blown in the flickering shadows of the candlelight.

The shofar is one of the highlights of Rosh Hashanah, and that final Yom Kippur service. Tradition holds that we blow it 100 times on Rosh Hashanah morning; according to Jewish law, at least 30 are required. But did you know – that the shofar is blown every morning of Elul, this month leading up to Rosh Hashanah? With no blessings recited before, no words uttered at all. Just the sounds, a brief set that takes only a moment.

Why? If the mitzvah is to hear it on Rosh Hashanah, and then we use it again to close the service on Yom Kippur, why do we blow it daily for a whole month? Because teshuvah takes time. We cannot just wake up three weeks from now ready to jump in. Teshuvah is the work of bringing ourselves into alignment, of living up to the aspirations of our own best possible selves. And that re-alignment takes more than just a day. The shofar wakes us up to what we need to be doing right now, today, this whole month. Not just ordering the brisket, figuring out how to have meals with loved ones during the pandemic, arranging for seats. What we need to be doing is cheshbon ha-nefesh, accounting for our lives, looking at who we’ve become so we can become who we want to be in the new year.

To that end, I offer three suggestions.

  1. My wonderful colleague Rabbi Jill Zimmerman has created an online guided workbook for your Elul journey at her website,
  2. Spend time outside every day this month. Take a walk, or find someplace to sit. Don’t pick up your phone, check your email, or read anything. Just be outside, giving yourself some time to connect with yourself and nature.
  3. Hear the shofar every morning. Some mornings I blow it, other days it is the awesome Steve Friedlander; perhaps others will take a turn, too. The shofar comes at the end of morning minyan, so even if you are not able or inclined to log in for the full service, come 30 minutes or so after we start to catch it (on Mondays and Thursdays, make that 40 minutes or so from the start). 

In these ways, we can take Judaism up on its annual invitation to live our best lives, working toward an annual reset where we can begin again – if we’ve taken the time to know where we want to start.


When I was in high school, I spent a large part of my time and energy helping people who were homeless. I helped organize a club at school which collected leftover and unused food from local supermarkets and restaurants and brought them to a local soup kitchen (we called it the Gleaners, taken from the Book of Ruth, though I admit I didn’t get the reference at the time). I spent a summer working at the Crisis Ministries, stocking shelves of the food pantry and learning the ropes of the office and doing phone intakes. I hung out with the pastor there and wondered what the Jewish equivalent of such work was. I suppose the seed of an idea was planted then, though again, I didn’t know it quite yet.

To be the Rabbi of Oheb Shalom Congregation, which houses a food pantry in the building, feels like a home-coming in this regard. The food pantry was one of the congregations “selling points,” and I look forward to joining with our social action and social justice teams in so many ways building from that foundation. I am deeply proud of the way this congregation uses our resources to help those in need. I am proud as well of the many Oheb members who take leadership roles at our partner organizations working towards social justice of all sorts.

On August 13, we have an opportunity to show up in support of one such communal effort. Isaiah House, the only comprehensive family shelter in Essex County, is hosting a daybreaker event to raise funds not only for its own work helping our most vulnerable community members but also to help in the effort of identifying the person or persons responsible for the tragic death of Columbia high school student Moussa Fofana last month. I will be there in my Oheb t-shirt and hope many of you will join me in this alternative morning minyan of sorts – one that connects us to the broader SOMA community and lifts up the Jewish imperative,  which we will read that very week in parashat shoftim: “tzedek tzedek tirdof” – “justice, justice you shall pursue” (Deuteronomy 16:20).